Sunday, February 27, 2011

Blog #6

The Networked Student
      I believe we have no choice but to be ready for this type of education. Whether we choose to be activists of this style of teaching or not, others will be, and it is the direction our world is heading. Personally I believe that if we are not a part of this evolving world of technology, we are failing our students. We are stepping into a world where innovation is catapulted by technology, and by the time our students step into our classrooms, their world will be unlike anything we can imagine. To give them the means for their success we must show them how to use this technology as a tool for them to engage their world. We must challenge them to become active on their own creativity and individual innovation in order for them to step into their world and engage it, rather than accepting the standard, coping with problems, and watching opportunities roll by.
     As a future teacher I can honestly say I am learning how to incorporate connectivism into the classroom. If you were to throw me into a classroom today I would find myself facing a very steep learning curve on my part, but even if I did understand more, the learning curve should always be steep. Even after we get a degree our education should never stop. Teachers are needed to guide youth through this online world. This online world is always changing so teachers must always stay up to par with the latest and greatest ideas in order to keep up with their students. 
     Although the need for teachers may seem irrelevant, they are very much needed in this world of technology. Technology is not replacing teachers, but it is causing teachers to adapt and re-mold their pedagogy. We are guides. It's confusing and intimidating trying to figure out new technologies, blogs, networks, documents, etc. on our own. We are here to help navigate and explore with our future classrooms. 

Personal Learning Environments
     After seeing this 7th graders personal learning environment, I have been inspired to use the project she uses! Mine is much like her's with the use of multiple mediums and numerous websites. She talked about using blogs and networking with other students to gain feedback or pass ideas around. It's much like the learning environment I have created through the stuff I've learned in EDM310. The only difference is she is in 7th grade and I'm a sophomore in college... wish I could have had the same opportunities at that age!!

The Smartboard Battle
     There are numerous opinions revolving around the use of Smartboards. Michael Staton presents his article Why Smartboards Are Dumb in opposition to the new equipment, and Bill Ferriter apparently agrees in his work Why I Hate Interactive Whiteboards. On the other hand James Hollis has designated a twitter account where teachers share ideas and find new possibilities using the smartboard. It is a network based on people who use, and love smartboards! Where is the disconnect?
     Both Staton and Ferriter point out very valid problems that smartboards cause. One of their main concern is money. Smartboards are extremely expensive, and they are often burn up much of the funding designated by the schools for technology. They are also a misinterpretation of how well your school is doing. Administrators will point to their boards and say "We're doing pretty well," while in reality they don't make that much improvement in the classrooms. But Hollis along with his network have overcome those ideas. They understand the smartboard is very complex and very time consuming to learn, but it in turn can lead to some pretty neat things inside the classroom. There tweets are full of online resources for different lessons for all ages that are centered around the use of the smartboard. 
      I cannot say which side I agree with yet because I have not put in the time using a smartboard. After constructing a few lessons with the interactive white board, I'll let you know what I think.

1 comment:

  1. I know that some of the classes that I am taking right now would be perfect for the networked student. But, sadly my teachers are not willing to do that!

    The truth is, they probably don't how to use technology in a way to explore the internet in GREAT ways.

    Very good point about smartboards. I really think you found some valid ideas about smartboards.

    Great post Miles,
    Keep up the good work!

    Stephen Akins
